Check Out These RE Markets With Upside Potential

You know the old saying — when it comes to buying real estate, the only thing that really matters is location, location, location. And, in this buyers’ market, this couldn’t ring more true. 

But how can you choose a market with enough upside potential to support your next real estate investment? A good place to start is to look at areas where sales are still happening. That means there are buyers and sellers who are actually connecting and points to a relative balance between supply and demand. 

The latest report from the Wall Street Journal and did just that. They culled through housing and economic data for the largest 100 metropolitan areas and came up with the markets with the highest year over year combined sales and price growth. These markets have good fundamentals and many are located near major employment centers or military installations bolstering the labor force and providing a steady stream of buyers and sellers. 

Check out the list below for some inspiration. 

But no matter where you choose to invest, NavCap can help get your project on sound financial footing. To discuss specifics, reach out to your loan officer directly or reach out at 888.444.3160 or to be connected.

We look forward to working with you!